Future Improvements
Below is a listing of intended future improvements we'll be making to Bill DASH.
What do you want to see added?
Let us know.
- Implement Google Gears to be able to access and use our site offline, just as easily as when you're online.
Billing Accounts
- Adding 'tagging' to billing accounts, as well as individual bills.
- Instead of simply marking an account for delete (as it currently operates), provide an 'Undo' link immediately following, as well as a measure to undelete for a period of approximately 24 hours thereafter. After this period has elapsed, physically remove the associated database records.
User Interface
- Convert default skin to valid XHTML 1.1 Strict and valid CSS.
- Implement submenus on main navigation, as well as highlighted the currently selected item.
- Add interface for editing the user's settings, for example email address, number of days before a bill is due to send email reminders, etc.
- Create one or more alternate skins, and allow for a user to choose which he prefers.
- 'Edit in place' the due date (as one can presently for the amount due) from the Current Bills view.
- Add screen to display a template for locating and parsing out bill details (due date, amount due) from emails forwarded to Bill DASH, eliminating the need for manual entry.
- Add graphical reporting via bar graphs/etc. New! - added 10 Nov. 2007
- Ability to filter reports by specifying a date range (eg. all bills from 2007, all bills from last 6 months).
- With tagging, allow for filtering of reports by tagged billing accounts or bills.
- Provide delimited text format for exporting bill history.